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IRT (Injury Recall Technique) was developed by a Podiatrist and taught to me by Dr. Wally Schmitt who is one of the top Applied Kinesiologists in the country. 

Injury recall technique is a technique to erase the neurological memory of past injuries which often interfere with normal healing, allowing subluxations to return. 

When a tissue is injured, the body places a high priority on its healing. Also, all sorts of chemical and neurological processes begin. During the healing process the tissue will be in a state of reduced function and will likely be painful or sensitive to touch. That is because the sensory nerves located around and within the tissue are on high alert. This state reminds the rest of the body that this area is under repair. The nerves will maintain their state of heightened sensitivity until complete healing has occurred. Sometimes, for whatever reason, this does not take place, and so tissue function is reduced and the nerves remain highly sensitive. When present, a deeper neurological therapy is required in order for proper function to be restored. The procedure is very simple, but often produces a surprisingly strong therapeutic response.

 Two steps are required:

1. The doctor stimulates the previously injured area - usually with gentle pinching.

 2. The doctor then immediately applies gentle downward pressure on a bone in the foot called the talus.

That’s it! The neurological explanation for the effectiveness of this treatment is somewhat complicated and has to do with all of the sensory nerves located throughout the foot. The messages from these nerves are given a high priority in the brain because they are responsible for keeping us upright and oriented when we stand on our feet. Somehow, stimulating a previously injured area and then immediately stimulating the sensory receptors in the foot, produces a reduction in nerve sensitivity and an increase in function of the previously injured tissue. One patient had a return of normal vision as a result IRT. She was struck in the head with a discus many years prior, and gradually her eyesight worsened. After performing this simple procedure on the scarred area where the impact occurred her vision returned to normal within fifteen minutes. This response is in no way typical but it does demonstrate that subtle corrections in the nervous system can have dramatic results.

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