When the body is injured, cells are damaged and cease to function properly. Cold Laser Therapy – also known as Low-Level Laser Therapy – has become the primary means of healing such injuries.
Treatment with low-level lasers, which operate at specific wavelengths and do not produce heat, penetrate deeply into the skin and tissues, restoring normal cell function.
Biologically, Cold Laser Therapy accelerates healing and enhances the body's natural ability to repair and defend itself. By reducing inflammation and promoting the regeneration process, Cold Laser Therapy reduces injury damage, relieves pain and limits loss of function.
And because it improves metabolism and circulation, it results in tissues that are stronger than before the injury.
Cold Laser Therapy is painless, sterile and has no undesirable side effects. It is also much more affordable than surgery.
We have found Cold Laser Therapy to be useful for the following:
- Nerve and spinal injuries
- Tendonitis
- Frozen shoulder
- Fractures
- Post-operative wounds
- Sprains and strains
- Scar tissue
- Auto-immune diseases
- Chronic or acute pain
- Wound healing
- Arthritis
- Migraines
- Disc herniations
- Minor nerve damage
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Heavy metal detoxification
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Cold Laser
A small news article on the Erchonia Cold Laser. It is the first FDA approved laser for use on chronic pain.